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    10 Nov

    5 Tips when moving your pets

    Moving is stressful for people itself, then just imagine how distressing it can be for animals. With sudden noise and screeching movement of furniture, pets easily get anxious with increased activity inside the house. Confined into a cage, travelling miles and then suddenly introduced to a new environment is all too much of an experience for them. Families who have shifted their pets in the past know pet relocation is no easy task.

    At Allianz packers, a top international relocation company in India, we have successfully moved families and safely reunited pets with their families’ miles away. Our pet moving experiences has made us put together useful tips to smooth out the moving experience for you and your beloved pal.

    Visit a vet

    Every pet is unique and you know your pet’s personality like no one else. If sudden changes can traumatize your pet, then express your concerns about your pet’s safety to the vet before the move. Have your pet’s health checked and their vaccination record up to date. Get prescription medications for motion sickness or sedation for any emergency. Obtain any additional certificate or papers required for travel clearance.

    Seclude your pet

    The best way to reduce stress and agitation on animals is to keep them in a quiet and secluded spot, away from all the commotion in the house. This could be a locked room on the top floor or near the garage. Ensure you have laid sufficient bowls of food and water till the time Packers and Movers Delhi to Ahmedabad Cost are in. Check on them at regular intervals and take them for a brisk walk amid all the changes around.


    Many pets aren’t accustomed to being in cages. If your trip is a distant one, your pets need to be crate-trained before you move. Start by placing their favorite foods inside and get them used to eating their meals with the door shut. Try taking them locked in the carrier for short drives. This practice will gradually acclimatize them to the cage and help them develop a positive association.

    On the moving day, wrap an identity collar that contains your pet’s name, vaccination tags and your new contact/ address details. Place their favorite food, toys and comfy beds within to keep them occupied through the journey.

    One at a time

    Upon arrival at the new house, you may be tempted to let your dog or cat loose inside the new place. However, this will go against their settling as unfamiliar places can cause them more anxiety and stress. Start by restricting them to one place and get close to maintaining their routine of food, rest and walks.

    Observe your pet’s behaviour in the coming days to check how well they’re coping. Once they gain comfort introduce them to other areas of the house to help them slowly settle,

    Locate a vet

    Moves bring in a lot of uncertainty and this can take a toll on your pet’ health especially if they are the sensitive types. Weeks after moving if you spot your pet behaving strangely, displaying aggression or low on activity, quickly locate a vet in town and get your pets’ health checked and stabilized.

    Here are some of our successful pet relocations done

    Hulk went on a flight to Dubai. Even though it was his first flying experience in a carrier, he was at ease as if at home. The E-movers team fulfilled their motto of ‘No Mess, No Stress’ and happily reunited him with his family in Dubai at their doorstep.

    Bheem travelled safely to Dubai from Mumbai. He was excited and cheerful through the journey. He also was finally reunited with his friend Hulk who was moved by Allianz packers a week prior.

    Baxter and Miso Damiella went on the most comfortable trip possible to Dubai to join their family who were eagerly waiting to give them a warm welcome.

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